Twist on a Dutch plate

Potato, meat, vegetables. Always a popular meal. And easy to make vegetarian.

With such a classic meal you can really do anything thanks to the modern meat replacements. I use the basics of this dish — potatoes and green beans with onion — when I fancy something simple or when I want to try a new meat replacement.

With this dish you can choose which meat replacement you use. Think, for example, of vegetarian crispy chicken kievs or some vegetarian bratwurst. This time I opted for vegetarian crispy chicken kievs, but this is of course easy to replace with your own favourite. Or with any new product that you would like to try.

Just a final note about the gravy. You are no longer dependent on your cooking fat / grease for this. There are multiple types different gravy granules available these days that are suitable for vegetarians. You mix the granules with some boiled water, possibly some melted butter, and voila! a delicious simple gravy is made within minutes.

Twist on a Dutch plate

5 minutes preparation + 15 minutes cooking — serves 2


  • 2 small onions
  • 500 grams frozen green beans
  • 400 grams potatoes
  • 1 pack of meat replacement, choose your own favourite
  • Vegetarian gravy granules
  • 1 teaspoon nutmeg
  • Water
  • Oil


  1. Boil c. 1.5 liter in a kettle.
  2. Wash the potatoes and cut into small pieces. We keep the skin on the potato because it contains extra fiber. But of course you can also peel them first if you prefer.

Preparing the potatoes, ’meat’, and vegetables

  1. Bring the green beans to a boil with the boiled water in a medium-sized pot.
  2. Boil c. 1 liter of water in a kettle.
  3. Bring the potatoes to a boil with the boiled water. Cook in c. 12 minutes until they fall apart when pierced with a fork.
  4. Peel and chop the onions.
  5. Check the preparation method of the meat replacement. Most likely it can be pan fried or heated in the oven. Heat oil in a pan and fry the meat replacement according to package instructions. Or heat the oven / air fryer and cook the meat replacement while the potatoes and green beans cook.
  6. Boil the green beans for c. 3 minutes or until al dente. Drain and put the pot back on the heat.
  7. Heat some oil in the pot and fry the onions in c. 8 minutes and until soft and starting to brown.
  8. Add the green beans and nutmeg to the onion. Mix and heat for another two minutes.
  9. Drain the potatoes. Return the potatoes to the pot and heat on the stove for another half a minute to evaporate the remaining moisture.

Bringing it all together

  1. Check if your meat replacement is fully cooked.
  2. Bring some water to the boil and mix with the gravy granules. Check package instructions for the ratio granules to water.
  3. Serve the gravy with the potatoes, green beans, and ’meat’.
Enjoy your meal!

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