Category: Blog
Making recipes accessible
I hate it when recipes say “under 30 minutes” to prepare but it ends up taking an hour. This happened to me last night. Again. I like to try new recipes, and that’s why I mantain this site. To make well-loved family favourite meals plant-based, and to inspire myself and others to try new dishes.…
Is this the start of a plant-based revolution in UK supermarkets?
We went to do some shopping at Lidl this week to check out their new and extended plant-based range. It did not disappoint.
Let’s be curious about eating plant-based
We don’t really talk about why we chose a plant-based diet or how we can live a vegan lifestyle, but I would like to change that.
Top tips to try out this Veganuary
At the start of each year, millions of people make a New Year’s resolution and try to make healthier, better choices in the new year. Why not try Veganuary this year?
More Than Broccoli in 2022
Update January 2025: More Than Broccoli launched in 2022 as a vegetarian website and year-long project and has since transitioned to be fully plant-based. Read more on the about page here. More Than Broccoli has concluded its first year with some fantastic achievements:
More Than Broccoli Calendar 2023
Update January 2025: More Than Broccoli launched in 2022 as a vegetarian website and year-long project and has since transitioned to be fully plant-based. Read more on the about page here. I am always trying to find new ways to make it easier for people to cook vegetarian more often. More Than Broccoli for me…
How To Eat Plant-based More Often
Eating plant-based more often takes some getting used to. Here are my top three tips to help you plan and cook plant-based more often.
An introduction to meat substitutes
The world of meat substites can be quite intimidating. I’ve tried to answer the three most important questions for you – the types of meat replacements, how to prepare them, and how to choose the best meat replacement for your interest and dish.